
start_preview.preview Last weekend I witnessed a conversation between two good friends of mine that spread a goofy smile right across my face.

This one friend, we'll call them Maude, has been writing some hilarious and provoking stories from her own life in blog form for a while now. Maude always has something beautiful to say and laughs her way through most of it, busting through her own musings with giggles that let you she is passionate but doesn't take herself too seriously.

The other friend, lets call him Quincy, is a multi-talented and prophetic man who has known Maude a while now and reads her stuff. He loves it. Quincy, in the midst of hearing Maude catch him up on her life, interjects with his gut feeling that God wants her to write. Not like, keep writing cause its fun to read, but write with a capital W, as in, this is what you will DO with your life.

He is currently in the process of putting out a book and he has resources, tools, and contacts she could use. He offers them up to her and she gets goose chills because she had just prayed, JUST prayed, for God to make it clear to her. She just prayed for God to put this, whatever it is, this calling, in her lap because she needs it to be obvious.

God was clear. He isn't always, but He was then.

THEN, as my husband, Jon, and I were walking to the car, he walks up to Maude. I follow because I do that.  Jon says "So, I don't want to freak you out. But, I saw you talking to Quincy earlier... About 6 months ago I dreamed you guys were having that conversation. I don't know what its about, but I know that whatever he told you was from God and that you have to do it. Whatever he told you to do, do it". Jon had no idea what they were talking about.


Maude and I were talking about this beautiful chain of conversations that were indeed clarifying her call. She said "I have goosebumps! This is so crazy. But I know when I get home and start thinking about it, the thoughts will rush in my head.. telling me 'Who do you think you are?! You can't do this! You're not nearly as good as those other writers!' "

At that moment, in my back pocket, I shared a golden nugget of truth that God has been teaching me in this season.

When God calls you to do something, its for HIS purposes, for something He's up to. If God's calling you to do something, and He has given you favor in that area, its not your job to judge whether you're good enough for it. 

     Being good enough has NOTHING to do with it. 

We read over and over in scripture, of those who weren't qualified for the tasks to which they were called.   You might not actually be qualified... but if God has called you, HE will qualify you.

So why then, when we think of stepping into our calling or things that God has for us, do we feel like we should get as good as possible at that thing before being faithful and taking a step forward?

Why are we afraid to try anything that we aren't the best at? Or at least, better than some other folks...

We're mashing up the way that the world operates and the way that our God operates... and because of this mixup far too many of us are hiding our gifts beneath... bushel... baskets... when they ought to be on display. When they're on display for God's glory, what do we have to fear?

So I told Maude to just start.

Then I told myself that, too.

And now I tell you. If there's something you have planted in your heart to do, and its been affirmed by trusted sources in your life,  just start doing it and don't be afraid of who might be better at it than you.

Someone WILL be better. We don't have to be afraid of NOT being the best. We don't have to be afraid of weakness. We can be confident in Him when we're unsure of ourselves.   There are millions of better singer songwriters out there than I. However, if I believe God has called me and gifted me to sing,  then I have to trust that He'll carry me to the place He wants me... But I can't sit around waiting to start until I'm better. I have to be faithful now, and trust that He's up to something that doesn't require me to be the best, but to trust Him.

Get started, and be carried by His strength and goodness, not yours.

I'm back.


Carly Calmes the First